Tag: rosetta stone

  • Rosetta Stone Torrent

    Rosetta Stone Torrent

    Looking for the top secret rosetta stone torrent download links? Don’t worry, you’re not alone out there because although Rosetta Stone is pretty damn good it is also rather expensive and not everyone can afford to pay the hefty price right now. But do yourself a favour and just go here to get your copy…

  • Learning Spanish

    Learning Spanish

    As Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, it stands to reason that learning spanish is both greatly in demand amongst students but also it is a highly useful language to learn which can open many doors, personal and professional.

  • Does Rosetta Stone Work

    Does Rosetta Stone work to learn a foreign language? Can you actually learn and become fluent in a second language using the Rosetta Stone program or is it all just marketing hype?

  • Pimsleur vs Rosetta Stone

    There are many reviews around of Pimsleur and Rosetta but it can be useful to see how they compare so here is Pimsleur vs Rosetta Stone – which is better?