Tag: language exchange

  • What to do after Pimsleur

    So you’ve invested a significant pile of cash in all three (or maybe even four) levels of Pimsleur language courses and you’ve slogged through them all in the recommended way, one lesson per day every day for the last 90 days at least and now you’re at a loose end – you’re wondering what to…

  • Online Language Courses

    Language courses come in many flavours and formats from the more traditional school or college based ‘meatspace’ courses to home study programs such as Pimsleur or Rosetta Stone. However these days there is an alternative, or perhaps a complement, to these in the form of online language courses.

  • Language Exchange Explained

    Language exchange is a proven effective method for learning and further understanding different languages. It utilizes mutual language learning through the use of partners who both speak different languages, allowing them both to exchange their knowledge in a positive environment. It has been used for hundreds of years and can even be used for learning…

  • Language Learning with ADD

    If you suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) like many people around the world, then learning a new language can become something of a challenge however there are solutions.

  • Language Learning

    A remarkable and useful interest is taking foreign language courses and instruction. Wherever people live and whatever they may do during this life they should find obtaining fluency in a second language will provide a lot of benefits. There are many ways to set about learning a language, or to ease in the overall vocation…

  • Language Exchange

    Language is a social function or tool if you like and as such, one of the best ways to acquire new language skills is to be social – in other words to just go and talk to people. However you can’t just start trying to talk Japanese/French/Spanish/Whatever-you’re-trying-to-learn to random people you meet in the street…