Tag: conlang

  • Watch Game of Thrones Season 3

    Watch Game of Thrones Season 3

    So the big day is just about here and ‘throners’ around the world are all excited and eager to see the first episode of the all new season 3 of the EPIC tv show Game of Thrones where men are men (sometimes), dwarves stand tall, gnarly old dudes are not what they seem and women…

  • Dust Off Your Dothraki

    Dust Off Your Dothraki

    In the not too distant future (Mar. 31, 2013 to be precise, according to IMDB) the awesomely epic show “Game of Thrones” returns to our feverishly awaiting TV screens with the whole new and exciting season three.

  • Constructed Languages

    If you think you’re bad at learning languages, you could bypass that whole tedious process of learning some complicated foreign language and just go ahead and invent your own language! So called “constructed languages” or “conlangs” are actually not just things made up by children to have secret conversations which their parents wont understand, but…