Tag: language learning

  • Celebrity Language Teachers

    Celebrity Language Teachers

    The seemingly staid world of foreign language instruction may not strike one as the typical place where celebrity is created but in actual fact celebrity language teachers are thriving these days, commanding seriously huge fees and reaching millions of students. Is it a good thing?

  • Learn Language Like a Boss!

    Learn Language Like a Boss!

    There is endless debate on which is the best method to learn a foreign a language but let me be brutally honest – there is of course really only one way to do it right and that is to learn language LIKE A BOSS! Yes it is true, if you don’t do it like a…

  • Best Language Blogs

    The internet and more specifically the web is always a great and ever growing source of information and new and exciting ways to waste our precious time online. There are now what often seems like an infinite number and incredibly diverse range of blogs and needless to say that includes many language related blogs, so…

  • New Year, New Language

    Apparently the world is still here despite the best efforts of those ancient Mayan pranksters and so what better time to begin to learn a new language than right now at the start of this new year?

  • Does Rosetta Stone Work

    Does Rosetta Stone work to learn a foreign language? Can you actually learn and become fluent in a second language using the Rosetta Stone program or is it all just marketing hype?

  • Language Learning: you will FAIL if you do this one thing

    There are many ways to learn a language and lots of tools and techniques to help, but if you do this one thing you will FAIL at language learning.

  • Task-based Language Learning

    Task-based language learning, also referred to as task-based language teaching uses authentic language learning techniques but also asks students to also carry out meaningful tasks.

  • Language Learning with ADD

    If you suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) like many people around the world, then learning a new language can become something of a challenge however there are solutions.

  • Language Attrition

    Language attrition, or the gradual loss of a language, is a problem facing every learner and speakers of a second language but there are things you can do to mitigate this attrition.

  • Heritage Language Learning

    Heritage language learning provides many benefits as well as challenges, whether an adult learner or parents looking to teach your native language to your children.